
The action that separates those who do and those who don’t? It’s, err… Action.

Yup, that’s it. Those who do, do.

I recently heard a statement that spoke volumes to the procrastinator inside of me. So incredibly simplistic that it seemed nearly sarcastic. It was posed as fact – which it is – but it came to me as a sort of “a-ha!” moment of advice:

“You’re never going to feel like it.”

wake up

Ugh. That’s it. Smack to the face. You’re right. Tell me about it.

Story of my life – a fun little idea pops into my head and lights a fire under me, but I lose steam the second the nitty gritty pieces of execution come along. It becomes tedious, the final goal seems loftier than before, and – I just don’t feel like it.

It was so much easier being a successful child than it is to be a successful adult. Parents, teachers and coaches were always over my shoulder getting me to do things when “I didn’t feel like it.” My mom is no longer over my shoulder shouting, “Stef, have you finished your writing assignment?” as I lounge on my bed watching Mad Men on Netflix. Now, I just see my reflection on the black screen between episodes, have a brief twinge of guilt and think, “You should really get some writing done.” But, boom! New episode starts and I’m content to “not feel like it.”

As with most things in life, this is probably easier said than done, but my goal for the month of February is to be a hard-ass parent/teacher/coach on myself. Although I’ve been killing it on my Netflix queue, my to-do list is incredibly lofty and needs someone to ride me until it’s done.

No one else is going to push me anymore – it’s time to start doing the things I really don’t feel like doing.

 But I don’t wanna, S x


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